The model 3030 is an internal voice faxmodem for PCI slots. The modem is Windows Hardware Qualification Labs (WHQL) approved. This modem is fully compatible with V.92/V.44 international standards and will also communicate at V.90 and slower speeds. The model 3030 supports V.44/V.42bis/MNP5 data compression and V.42/MNP2-4 error correction as well as send/receive fax operations. The modem supports remote telephone answering machine (TAM) applications. V.80 Synchronous Access Mode between the modem and the host/DTE is provided for host-controlled communications protocols such as H.324 videoconferencing applications. The modem has advanced lightning protection. The Model 3030 is a host based modem using the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the computer in which the modem is installed to perform controller and data pump functions.