Chaney / AcuRite Weather the day with confidence with your own up-to-date weather information and national weather alerts - right in the palm of your hand. Tune in to emergency alerts storm alerts tornadoes floods disasters amber alerts and public announcements with the AcuRite Portable Emergency Weather Alert NOAA Radio. This handy radio is digitally tuned to NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) providing continuous weather information including warnings watches forecasts and all hazards 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Sounds a loud alert siren when emergency conditions occur. Specific Area Message Encoding (S.A.M.E.) ensures you will only receive advisories watches and warnings that are intended for your specific location. Warnings relevant to your local area scroll across the backlit LCD display and color-coded LED's indicate alert type. AC power docking station included for at-home use with portable battery-operated option while on the go or during power outages. Setup is simple. Power on the radio and you are ready to receive emergency alerts - there are no subscription fees or other costs.