TRENDnet's 100/1000BASE-T to SFP Media Converter model TFC-1000MGA is a reliable Plug-and-Play Fiber-to-Ethernet converter in a compact form factor. This versatile fiber converter supports both Multi-Mode (SX) and Single-Mode (LX) fiber standards for transmission distances of up to 80 kilometers (50 miles). The Mini-GBIC slot and Gigabit Ethernet port Auto-Negotiate between 100 and 1000Mbps transmission speeds. Diagnostic LEDs on the front of the converter convey device status. Control Auto-Negotiation (Forced/Auto-Negotiation) and Link Loss Return (Enable/Disable) with an internal dip-switch. This sturdy metal housed converter can be installed as a standalone unit and is compatible with TRENDnet's expandable 16-Bay Fiber Converter Chassis System model TFC-1600.